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Tag: herbs

Girl with herb

Create a Herb Container Garden

Herbs are a great way of getting children involved in the garden. If you are looking to give your children a summer long project...
Mint in plant

How to Grow Mint

Mint is an extremely versatile herb that is easy to grow and look after in the garden. It's best planted in containers as it...
Parsley Pot

How to Grow Parsley

Parsley is a wonderful herb to have growing in the garden and children will love growing it. Parsley is an extremely versatile herb and...

Growing Sage

Sage is an incredibly easy to grow herb that will grow almost anywhere. It is a great kitchen herb that can be used in...
Chives safe for children

Growing Chives

Chives are an incredibly easy herb to grow. They are a perennial herb that is widely grown for its leaves. However, chives will also...

Plants and tips for creating a sensory garden

Sensory gardens are great for children to learn about plants and also to get them interested in the world of gardening. They are also...

Growing Herbs with Children

Growing herbs with children is a great way to get them started in and around the garden. In my opinion every garden should have...

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